•  St. Rita Building, Street 58, 1st Floor, Fanar, Lebanon
  •  (961) 1 395 315/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9
  •  info@himaya.org
Spread the word, break the silence. HOTLINE: 03 414 964
  • #JustASmile
    It's time we start breaking gender stereotypes in our communities!
  • Let's eliminate the Worst Forms of Child Labor in Lebanon!
    A campaign launched in partnership with PLAN International and with funding support from the European Union
  • 101- Strengthening the Child Protection Network
    We are pleased to invite you to our first online series: ‘101 Role of Community Members in Strengthening the Child Protection Network': 4 Free Sessions, open to the public!
  • Don't Turn a Blind Eye
    If you hear, see or suspect child abuse, give us a call
  • We need each other
    The damages are devastating, the impact on us and on our children is tragic. Joining forces is the only way to heal. We urge every individual reading this message to help us; if you know a case of a child in danger or at risk, please tag @himayaleb or contact us directly 03414964

First Annual Symposium

Date: Friday, June 12, 2015


On the second weekend of June, under the patronage of Mrs. Lama Tammam Salam, himaya hosted its first annual symposium entitled "Building and Strengthening Resilience in Child Protection: A Multisectorial Approach". This two day event was filled with excitement as conferences and workshops challenged people’s minds and opened the floor to many interesting debates. We had the chance to welcome up to 200 people of which 27 NGOs and INGOs, some ministries, many professionals in various fields and students whose interest we sparked. It was our absolute pleasure to host this wonderful event and we hope to see you all again next year!

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